Friday, January 15, 2016

How Colbie Caillat Helps me With the Dishes

                                                                   Photo From Huffington Post

     Maybe we were inspired years ago by Cinderella singing, "Sing Sweet Nightingale", while she mopped the floor.  Maybe it was Snow White's admonition to "Whistle While You Work".  My kids have always been fascinated by Pippi Longstocking's ingenious, scrub brush skates. With a happy song, Pippi makes light work of cleaning the floor, by skating through mounds of foamy bubbles. Whatever the reason, my family can't seem to clean anymore, without cranking up some tunes.  In fact, we can't seems to do anything anymore, without adding the appropriate soundtrack. 

     It is not uncommon in my house to hear my kids say things like: "Let's turn on some breakfast music," or, "We need some good rainy day music," or sometimes even, "This feels like a day for classical music."  (Ok, I am usually the one who says this one).  Why has music become such an integral part of our everyday?  The simplest answer I can find, is that music just makes it better!  Music has the power to energize us, or it can bring us peace and help us relax.  What is it about good music that makes it powerful enough to inspire us and motivate us, and make even doing the dishes tolerable?

     Music affects us in profound ways, physically and emotionally.  Renowned Neurologist, Oliver Sparks, in his article, "Wired For Sound," found in O Magazine, teaches of the incredible power of music in his patients.  He says,

     "The right kind of music can literally unlock someone frozen by Parkinson's disease, so that they may be able to dance or sing, even though, in the absence of music, they may be unable to take a step, or say a word."

     This is incredible!  This is the power of music! 

     We can also get a happiness boost from listening to music, according to a University of Missouri study, cited on 
     "Music can benefit psychological wellbeing, too. Research from the University of Missouri published in The Journal Of Positive Psychology found for the first time, that upbeat music can have a very positive effect on well being.
‘People were successful at raising their positive mood as long as the music they listened to was happy and upbeat,’ said Dr Yuna Ferguson, the lead author."

     If music can make us healthy and happy, what could singing in the shower,  turning on classical music while our kids do their homework, breaking out the old Clarinet you haven't played since high school, or turning off the television, and turning up some cheerful music, do to make your day more purposeful and happy.

Today's a new day; let's make it purposeful!



  1. Totally agree 100%! I love playing music anytime I can... especially when I am cleaning! It lightens the mood and makes it fun! Great post Kara!

  2. Totally agree 100%! I love playing music anytime I can... especially when I am cleaning! It lightens the mood and makes it fun! Great post Kara!
