Friday, January 8, 2016

This is What It's All About

     I have six kids.  I know, it's a lot.  I am that mom in the grocery store who you avoid.  The mom with the shopping cart overflowing with cereal and pasta and diapers.  You've seen me, holding the baby, who refuses to stay buckled in the cart, and awkwardly pushing the cart down the aisle with my free hand, while continuously saying, "No, put it back", to my hungry four year old.  Six kids means a lot of groceries, a lot of laundry, a lot of noise,  a pile of school supplies you wouldn't believe every Fall,  and six kids means not a lot of free time.  Most days, I am exhausted. 

     Life isn't easy.  The endless demands and busy schedules that greet us every morning can be overwhelming.  I've had weeks where one day sort of feels like the next; an endless chain of chores and appointments and routine.  One day, I was sure, I would be able to break free of the monotony. Over the years, slowly, I've learned a liberating truth: It is possible to be free IN the monotony. There is a way to see our daily routines for what they really are:  small, crucial, beautiful steps that lead to a fulfilling and purposeful life.  It sounds a little contradictory...Joyful monotony?  Exciting routine?  Daily adventures, close to home.

     So what's the secret?  How can we be happy, and love exactly the day we are having?  The secret is to slow down enough to notice, and really see, the beauty and the wonder of the little moments, of the details, that make up our days.  These words of Buddhist monk, Thich Nhat Hanh, capture my meaning perfectly.

     "When you are washing the dishes, washing the dishes must be the most important thing in your life. Just as when you are drinking tea, drinking tea must be the most important thing in your life. Drink your tea slowly and reverently, as if it is the axis on which the whole world revolves--slowly, evenly, without rushing toward the future. Live the actual moment. Only this actual moment is Life."
      My husband recently shared with me an experience that helped him to appreciate what his life offers, right now.  Jacob often dreams of the day when our family will find the perfect house, own a little land, and realize his dream of owning a small farm.  While dreaming of this ideal farmhouse, Jacob posed this question to our kids:
     "What is your dream house?"

     Our seven year old Lily answered,  "THIS house is my dream house, dad!"

     Of course.  To Lily, nothing could be better than home.  This seven year old had the perspective that facilitates happiness.  Notice the details of your life right now, and be thankful for them.  Don't keep your eyes continually on the horizon, waiting for the day when it will all be perfect.  Make perfect, (or at least really good), happen right now.

Slow down.  Notice.  Appreciate.

Today's a new day; let's make it purposeful!



  1. Oh Kara, how I love your post! I really needed to hear this! I have felt rushed through so many things in my life that I wished I would have savored more at the moment. Thank you for the reminder to slow down, notice and appreciate more. I miss you and your outlook on life!

    1. It's crazy how fast life moves along. My oldest was 13 when we moved to Colorado, now she's practically going off to college! Miss you, friend!

  2. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Kara. I'm guilty often of wishing and hoping for the next adventure (that partially explains why we've moved so much.) I've realized that it can be selfish to think of what I want, instead of what is best for my family and kids at this stage in their lives. Someday, Nate and I will serve a bunch of adventurous missions, but being still may be the best think for now.

    1. You are a Parnell! You can't help having an adventurous spirit! :) I think it's great! Thanks for your comment, Mary!

  3. Kara, I love you! I'm so happy you are blogging. You have always inspired me! Miss you friend :)

  4. Kara, I love you! I'm so happy you are blogging. You have always inspired me! Miss you friend :)

  5. Oh, kara, I love this. It makes me miss being closeby you every day , when you lived in Logan. Thank-you for your beautiful words and example.
