Thursday, July 21, 2016

Comfort Zone Challenge - Day 2

Image courtesy of khunaspix at

It's only day two of this Comfort Zone Challenge, and already I find myself waxing philosophical on the reasons why we create for ourselves this limiting zone in the first place.  I'm beginning to think that maybe we have comfort zones, merely because we set hard and fast rules for ourselves of what we can and can't accomplish, and accept those limitations as fact.  Everything changes when we allow ourselves to challenge those limitations.  The more I think about this principle, the more apparent it becomes that I have set these limits for myself in so many areas of my life.

For example, I love yoga.  I love how I can practically feel myself growing taller and stronger with each practice.  I love the inward focus, and the union of body and mind and spirit.  I've practiced yoga for years now, and have loved every moment of reflection on the mat, and have no doubt benefitted from countless sun salutations.  I have however, found a level of yoga that I'm pretty comfortable with, and almost subconsciously convinced myself that I had reached my limit.  I love to watch experienced yogis defy gravity in advanced yoga poses, but I have stayed comfortable in my limited yoga, because I rarely dare to consider that maybe I can do it too!  Comfortable is the enemy of growth!

So, I challenged my perceived limitations, and I pushed myself hard.  I'm pretty sure I narrowly avoided serious injury, and yet, it felt awesome!

I tried yoga poses that I've never even heard of.  I was definitely awkward and ungraceful, but I tried something that stretched my comfort zone, (literally).  Some of the poses, admittedly, are still out of my reach, but I am reaching, and trying, and that is progress.  There was a surreal moment in my practice where I tried and succeeded at a pose way outside of my yoga level of comfort, called, "Bird of Paradise".  At that moment, with arms wrapped around and stretching further than I thought possible, balancing precariously and proud, I felt amazing!  I felt unstoppablable!

It didn't take much to convince myself that it wasn't too hard to push the limits of my cofort zone a little wider.  When we question our limitations, and really try, we might surprise ourselves with what we can do.


Today's a new day, let's make it purposeful!