Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Comfort Zone Challenge - Day 29

It is impossible to be ignorant of the rampant heartache, poverty, and need, that exists all over the world.  Stories of war-torn countries, of thousands and thousands of refugees, of homeless, and hungry, and hopeless, dominate the news every day.  Doubtless, in our own communities, and probably in our own neighborhoods, many struggle to make ends meet, and to provide basic needs for their families.

My heart aches for all those across the world who suffer and want for life's basic needs, but all too often, feeling bad is as far as I take my sympathy and concern. 

It's so easy to get caught up in the day to day, to get busy, and not let our focus reach very far outside our immediate concerns of grocery shopping, laundry, stopping by the gym, deadlines at work, and our favorite TV series on Netflix.

There is so much need, and there are so many organizations in every community that make helping, and fostering real change easy, that I have run out of excuses not to do my part.  I am working on being more uncomfortable with doing nothing to serve and help in my community, when the need is so great. 

So, last Saturday morning I traded in sleeping late and reading in bed, for waking up early and taking action to help the hungry in my community.  There is an incredible charity just down the road from me called, "Brown Bag Ministries".  The service they offer is simple yet profound.  For the most part, their service comes in the form of providing sack lunches every Saturday for the hungry and the homeless in my community.  At five different locations, volunteers help to package 2,700 sack lunches.

I knew I was taking part in something great the second I walked in the door.  Upwards of seventy volunteers of all ages, religions, and races, had come together to serve.  The energy in the room was one of enthusiasm and purpose.  The large group was quickly organized, and soon everyone had a job to do, and in less than an hour and a half, 1,200 lunches were made and packed, and ready to be loaded onto a truck, and delivered to those in need. 

Stuffing paper bags with bologna sandwiches, crackers and a treat is not going to change the world,  but opening our hearts and our schedules to small acts of kindness and service will change us, and the more we give, and the more we love, the more real change the world will see.

Today's a new day, let's make it purposeful!

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