Thursday, April 27, 2017

Little Yogis

     A few weeks ago, it was my absolute privilege to spend an hour or so teaching some very basic yoga to a group of adorable, highly energetic, 8 and 9 year olds.
     With yoga mats, (no doubt borrowed from moms and dads, or older siblings), lining the small room from wall to wall, we all sat together in Half Lotus. We held our palms together at our hearts, and I talked about the greeting "Namaste" - "The light in me recognizes the light in you". I explained that I loved Yoga, because anyone could do it. You didn't have to be athletic, or super strong, or a fast runner, to do Yoga. I talked about how Yoga was a pretty special way to exercise, because it wasn't just exercise for your body, but for the mind and body together. We talked about the importance of tuning in to your breath. Big breath in through your nose, big, audible breath out through your mouth. Together we practiced Mountain Pose and Tree Pose, Warrior 1 and Warrior 2, and the class favorite, Cat/Cow, and several other poses, until finally, a worn out, slightly less energetic group, were happy to lay down, close their eyes, and practice a little relaxation and meditation.
     A week or so after teaching this class, I asked my 8 year old daughter if she thought her friends had fun learning Yoga. She answered, "Yes! All Sarah, (name changed 😊), wants to do now at recess is Yoga!" The thought of those adorable 3rd graders proudly demonstrating Downward Dog on the playground made me smile, and reminded me that knowledge of a few basic Yoga postures can empower our kids!

     What can Yoga do for your kids?

     1- Yoga Can Increase Confidence
     One beautiful thing about Yoga, is that wherever you are in your posture progress, is the perfect place to be. Yoga is completely non-competitive. There is no comparing yourself with anyone else, just slow and steady personal improvement as you stick with the practice. Our kids confidence will grow as they find themselves feeling strong and flexible in a pose that was initially challenging for them.

     2- Yoga Can Teach Our Kids to Be Calm And Relax
      Yoga can teach our kids mindfulness, and help them to simply be in the present. When you're on the mat, focused on your breath, and the succession of postures, your mind and thoughts naturally calm down. A little yoga and relaxation before bed will teach our kids to wind down, stretch tired muscles, and prepare for sleep.

     3- Yoga is A Fun Way to Encourage Our Kids to Exercise
     Getting our kids to happily turn off the TV and run a mile, or do 50 jumping jacks isn't very realistic. Getting our kids to join in as we do Cobra pose, Happy Baby pose, or Flower pose, might be an easier sell. Yoga is fun! Yoga can be practiced in story form, (see Cosmic Kids Yoga on youtube), or you can play a yoga game. (

     Yoga and kids are such a good fit! Yoga is active, creative, fun, and you don't have to wear shoes! Break out the mat, and cat/cow your way to more confident, calm, and healthy kids!


Today's a new day; let's make it purposeful!
(Photo source:  )

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