Friday, July 22, 2016

Comfort Zone Challenge - Day 3

I'm a stay at home mom, with six kids.  It takes a certain measure of organization and routine to make my days productive, my home run smoothly, and my sanity stay intact.  Routine is a good thing, most of the time.  The problem is, I've become so comfortable in my routine, that I rarely stop to question if it's best.  

Yesterday, amidst the whirlwind that is my morning routine:  make breakfast, find matching socks, pack up lunches and homework, to school on time, and then, just enough time to clean the kitchen and do the dishes before I laid the baby down for a nap.  Instead of mindlessly diving in to my morning chores, I stopped, and dared to question my routine, to question my comfort zone.  Sometimes all it takes to stretch our comfort zones is just to do things a little differently than we are used to.  To make a conscious decision to do things a little better.

So, I pulled my attention away from the sink full of dishes, and gave my full attention instead to my sweet little two year old.  The next hour was filled with play dough, blanket forts, and reading books. Lottie was in heaven, eating up every minute of one on one time. I was reminded again, it's the little things that count.  Who knew the sheer joy that a spontaneous game of "Ring Around The Rosies", in the kitchen, could bring to a two year old!

It doesn't take much.  A little bit of effort, a little bit of change, and the rigid boundaries of our comfort zones quickly become much more pliable.

Today's a new day, let's make it purposeful!

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