Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Comfort Zone Challenge - Day 11

Have you noticed how easy it is for kids to make friends? 

I love to watch my kids in action.  In 30 seconds flat, after arriving at the playground, they have three new best friends, and all are happily playing tag as if they had known each other their whole lives.  Meanwhile, the mom of these new friends and I are struggling with awkward small talk.   

For kids, everyone is a potential friend.  All it takes is a, "Hi, I'm Sophie.  Do you want to play?"  And just like that, a new friend! 

I could learn a thing or two from my kids.

I have, on more than one occasion, been guilty of walking as fast as I can, eyes fixed straight ahead, from my car to my front door, to avoid conversation with a neighbor who is out in their yard.  It's not because I don't like them, or because I don't want to get to know them, it's simply to avoid awkward conversation and the effort it takes to get to know someone new. 

I am well aware that this method of neighbor avoidance isn't working well for me.  I want to be a good neighbor and I am trying to make small, concerted efforts to improve.  I am slowly getting to know my neighbors, but I have definitely not progressed much past the "wave and say hello as we pass", stage. 

I have, as of late, become much more brave about challenging my comfort levels.  I'm learning quickly from this challenge that often what seem like daunting, insurmountable limits, once attempted, become much less intimidating. 

With this view in mind, I took a page from my kid's friend making book, and pushed myself.

I often run into a neighbor of mine while picking up my kids from school.  We share the same route home, and our daughters love to walk together.  I typically say a quick "hello", to my neighbor before hurrying past, intent on reaching home.  The other day, as I walked well in front of my neighbor, I decided it was time for something  better.  I turned around, walked back to meet up with my neighbor, and started up a conversation.  A REAL conversation.  Our short 10 minute walk home proved to be more effective in getting to know my neighbor, and establishing friendship, than all those months of waving hello. 

When we reached our homes, my neighbor invited us in, and over popsicles we talked and made plans for a fishing trip our families would take together in the Fall. 

Wow!  That was easy! 

Today's a new day, let's make it purposeful!


  1. Your posts are so inspirational Kara! I love hearing about you stepping out of your comfort zone and accomplishing great things! It makes me think of what I could be doing differently! Looking forward to the rest of your posts this month! P.S. I really enjoy your style of writing as well!

    1. Thank you so much, Angela! i can't even tell you how happy it makes me that you said you are inspired by my posts, and look forward to more! I was starting to worry that posting every day might get annoying., and it's 30 days or bust! 😊
