Monday, August 29, 2016

Comfort Zone Challenge - Day 24

In an attempt to enjoy my vacation last week to the fullest, I made the decision to postpone the final seven days of my Comfort Zone Challenge.  It turns out that even on vacation I managed to find ways to feel uncomfortable.

I like the idea of Zumba.  I do.  I like the idea of dancing to upbeat music as a way to get a work out, verses another boring set of lunges, or squats, or crunches.  Zumba makes exercising fun for sure but Zumba also means a whole lot of hip wiggling, which quite frankly my friends, is a little outside my comfort zone.  If I'm being honest, I'm not completely comfortable with Zumba's Latin dance moves even at home, alone.  The idea of taking a Zumba class and busting a move in public ranks high on my list of uncomfortable. 

While on vacation enjoying a Sunday dinner with my family, I worked up the nerve to ask my very fit, very dedicated, sister in law if I could tag along with her to one of her Zumba classes while I was in town.  She agreed, and I was stuck.  There was no backing out now. 

The morning of the Zumba class arrived, and I woke early feeling a healthy mix of excitement and fear.  As I stepped into the room of forty plus women all dressed in matching, stylish, work out clothes, I suddenly felt a little out of place.  Could I really find the inner confidence to shake my hips with abandon in front of strangers?

The music started and my heart got a little lighter.  The music was fun, the instructor was engaging, and without thinking too much, I began to follow her lead.  I worried not only about the signature hip wiggling of Zumba, but also about the very real possibility of looking like an idiot, several steps behind the rest of the class, trying to keep up with the steady succession of dance moves.  There were a few moments of awkward, but all in all I did ok.  The dance moves were simple, and repeated enough that I could keep up.  I was doing Zumba in public, and not dying inside of mortification.  I was dancing, and wiggling, and actually pretty comfortable doing it. 

I've decided that Zumba just might be a metaphor for life.  Life lessons learned in my one hour Zumba class:

  • The more you put into it, the more you get out of it.
  • If you stop trying to look cool, and just try to be comfortable with yourself, you'll have more fun.
  • Don't compare yourself to anyone.  Focus in on your goal, and celebrate your little victories.
Today's a new day, let's make it purposeful!

1 comment:

  1. Yay! My favorite is when they don't have mirrors in a zumba class. Some people would hate that, but I don't get as self conscious if I can't see myself.
