Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Comfort Zone Challenge - Day 16

Some of the sweetest moments I've experienced as a mom, have consisted of the simple combination of sleepy kids, a warm blanket, and the words,  "All the children sat looking at Pippi, who lay flat on the floor, drawing to her heart's content", or "So, Matilda's strong, young mind continued to grow, nurtured by the voices of all those authors who had sent their books out into the world, like ships on the sea", or even, "One fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish".

For years I've made a bedtime ritual with my kids a priority, and the benefits have been clear:  An emotional connection, lots of affection, creative growth from stories and books, my kids fall asleep much more quickly and sleep more soundly. I know the benefits that come when we find time and energy at the end of the day to spend a few minutes connecting with, and nurturing our kids through a simple bed time routine. Finding that time and energy, however, has been a tricky business lately.  Regrettably, I've let my kid's bedtime ritual fall way down on my list of priorities. 

I've been trading in books and stories for the sad substitute of a TV show, or sometimes just a sleepy, "head on up to bed".  I've definitely been feeling bad about my lukewarm efforts, but sadly, exhaustion seems to be the mother of excuses.  I know that a consistent, conscientious,  bedtime routine isn't easy, but the benefits make it worth the extra effort.

Last night I stretched my sleepy comfort zone, by recommitting to a better bedtime routine.

With kids snuggled in close, under the biggest, comfiest, quilt I could find, I told the most fantastical story I could think of, about a boy who learns he has special powers, and trains at a magical super hero school, disguised as an old, abandoned warehouse. 

Laying there, with my kids sleepy and happy, and totally engrossed in my story, I suddenly didn't feel so tired anymore.

Today's a new day, Let's make it purposeful!


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