Friday, August 5, 2016

Comfort Zone Challenge - Day 13

I have never been a morning person.  Sleeping in is serious business in my family.  Sleeping late is practically synonymous with being a Burt.  I swear, the desire to sleep late is so real and so strong, I'm convinced that sleeping late is a trait deeply rooted in my family history.

I grew up in family of night owls, and I married a farmer boy, rise with the rooster's crow, morning person.  My husband loves to wake up early and get a jump on the day.  I've always admired his motivation and energy in the morning.  It's definitely admirable to wake up with the sun, and start the day off right, but trying to be a morning person feels like I'm fighting against my very nature.

I've experienced, over the years, many, many, failed attempts to transform into a morning person. 

"I am going to wake up at 6:00 tomorrow, for sure, and go for a run, finally finish the book I can never find time to read, and make a big, healthy breakfast for the kids before school."  My ever supportive husband smiles and nods, trying to hide his doubt that comes from knowing me and my history.  All motivation and enthusiasm unfailingly leave me at the sound of my 6:00 alarm the next morning.  I become the queen of rationalization and excuses, turn off my alarm and fall back asleep. 

This week, my friends, has been different!  I have found some serious motivation from this Comfort Zone Challenge!  I made a goal to wake up early Monday through Friday, and I am excited, (and a little surprised), to be able to report that I did it!

Waking up early hasn't been easy, but I've got to say, it's been worth it! 

Here are some observations from a life-time night owl, on the benefits of rising early:

Quiet time in the morning to be still, and think clearly, brings a feeling of control over my day.  When I sleep in, I'm rushed and frazzled in my morning routine, and it's easy for me to feel overwhelmed by the day.  Having time to prepare for the day before the rest of the family is awake is empowering.

I've discovered that these early hours that I usually spend snoozing, can be a time of some serious productivity.  Finding extra time all to myself in the middle of the day is highly unlikely.  Even if I manage to find some time at the end of the day, I'm exhausted, and would much rather relax than be productive.  I've loved having time to read and study, ponder and write, and start my day off feeling calm and accomplished.

In the end, the greatest advantage to waking up early all week is that I did something hard for me.  I challenged my comfort zone, and won.

Now I think I'll go back to bed.

Today's a new day, let's make it purposeful!

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