Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Comfort Zone Challenge - Day 15

Raising six kids means doubling, (or tripling), the recipe every time.  driving an obnoxiously large car,  a long line of goodnight hugs and kisses every night, and it means that time alone with my husband is a rare and precious thing.  Ive learned to take date night very seriously.

I've noticed, over the years, a definite trend in our dating.  We've spent a lot of time together strolling through bookstores, eating at fancy French Bistros, attending concerts and frequenting museums...all very Kara-ish dates.  I had noticed this bias in our dating before, and wanting to be fair, have tried a few times to plan dates more Jacob's speed.  Here is an example of my efforts:

Several years ago, going for a more Jacob-style date, we decided on a nearby wings restaurant for dinner.  I complained the whole time about the excessive number of flat screens littering the walls, all broadcasting various noisy games of basketball, hockey or golf, (the golf games really weren't very loud, actually).  I whined to Jacob that this was a horrible environment for a date.  It was way too loud and distracting to even have a good coversation.  The thing is, I never stopped to consider that maybe hot wings and sports was a pretty ideal date for my husband.  Certainly Jacob had endured endless dates watching Pride and Prejudice, or strolling through gardens.  Instead of thinking of my husband, I ate my wings as fast as I could, not wanting to stay any longer than I absolutely had to.

I can do better!  

Last night, Jacob and I traded in our usual hummus and Hallmark, for salsa and Sci-Fi.  I did my best to make it a date where my husband could see that I was thinking of him, and of us...and not complaining or wishing we could do something I enjoyed more.

In the end, by the time all the kids were off to bed, and we finished our tasks for the day, it was late, and we were exhausted.  The date was short, but it was sweet.  There was salsa, there was Sci-Fi, there was no Jane Austen or Creme Brûlée, but there was Jacob and I together, and it was perfect.

Today's a new day, let's make it purposeful!

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